
Walkie-Talkie Radio Etiquette: Top 10 Tips

Two-way radios have undoubtedly proven their worth and durability, particularly in a world where we are recurrently seeing many other means of communication being replaced by more technological advanced devices. Even though smartphones are in everyone’s pocket these days, two-way radios are still being heavily depended on, especially in workplaces. 

And while their value has been proven, it requires some basic know-how to operate them efficiently. It may seem obvious, but a fact sometimes forgotten is that walkie talkies don’t allow users to simultaneously hear and talk back, thus the necessity of a certain radio etiquette to communicate clearly. 

To help you keep efficient and effective communication using two-way radios, we provide you with 10 key tips in radio etiquette: 

  1. Get to grips with the terms 

In radio messaging, there are specific terms for greeting, answering and terminating a conversation. This is because regular words are sometimes ambiguous or unclear in short radio communications. Walkie talkie lingo has been proven over the years and has become universally recognised. You may have even heard it in movies or TV. 

Some of the most common are: 

  • Affirmative meaning Yes. 
  • Negative meaning No. 
  • Roger/Roger That meaning the message was understood. 
  • Copy/Read meaning Have you understood/received the message, as in “Do you copy me?”.
  • Over (used at the end of a sentence) meaning The talker has finished their transmission. 
  • Stand By meaning Wait. 
  • Wilco meaning I will comply/follow the instructions. 
  • Out meaning The communication is concluded. 
  1. Learn the NATO Phonetic Alphabet

You might know this one already from movies, too. T and D, for instance, may be different letters but their sound, and even more through radio, can be misunderstood and unclear. That is why with the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, we spell out words by their NATO phonetic, that is a corresponding word started by the letter in question. 

For example, if you need to message the letters “AD” through radio, you should say “alpha delta”.    

  1. Pause before speaking 

This is a habit you should make sure to adopt. Pausing for a second between pressing the button to transmit and actually speaking assures that the first words won’t get cut off, allowing for a full and clear message. 

  1. Introduce yourself 

Not all walkie talkies have caller ID, so it is good practice to identify yourself and, if you know who you’re reaching, the person you wish to address too. Sometimes, work staff have their designated call signs, and if so, you should also make use of it when addressing other users.

  1. Keep it Short

Two-way radios have not been designed for long conversations. They are meant to be used for quick and swift talks, like give indications to solve particular problems and to provide immediate responses. 

As such, your messages should be short and straight to the point, avoiding long transmissions.  

In case you do need to get a bigger message across, use the word “break” at the end of one or two sentences and release the button. This way, the other party can intervene if needed as well.  

  1. Avoid Interruptions 

When communicating, avoid interrupting others as much as possible. Wait for them to end the message or conversation, if it is between other intervenients, and then transmit. 

In case of emergency, and you have to interrupt, begin the message saying, “Break Break Break” and then state your message. 

  1. Don’t raise your tone 

Talking through a walkie talkie should be just like a normal conversation in terms of speed and tone. Speaking too quick or slow will make the call imperceptible or too long and if you yell the transmission will just be a blown sound on the other party.  

None of these will help you convey your message any better, or clearer so keep the radio’s microphone about three to five inches away from your mouth and speak normally. 

  1. English is sovereign 

English is the official language for two-way radio communication internationally. Apart from specific guidelines from your organisation, you should stick to the English language. 

  1. Assume others are listening 

Walkie talkies are open to everyone that can catch your radio frequency, whether for eavesdrop or just because the working group is all connected. If you can’t restrict the conversation to the users you want to communicate with, or use encryption, you should avoid transmitting confidential or sensitive information. 

  1. Check and maintain your equipment 

Regular check, care and maintenance are imperative with walkie talkie devices. All of their functionality will be voided if they run out of battery or get clogged mics from improper maintenance.  

Before important operations, also check the range beforehand to ensure your work staff won’t be left stranded. 

Though they may seem to require much experience and practice, following these etiquette tips to a T (or Tango) will make the most of your use of walkie-talkies and improve your professional performance in the process.


Why Are Walkie-Talkies Never Out of Fashion?

We are in the midst of an era focused on information and technology, it’s what much of the 21st century has been about.

Being informed and updated these days is essential to keep up with the competitive world we are living in.

Transferring and receiving effective communications has always been a prime focus for the technology world. We continually see new advancements in this area, and most of the time, once something new and more effective hits the market, predecessors gradually fade beyond existence.

Still, there is one communication tool that stood the test of time and never lost its importance, and that is the Walkie-Talkie.

It’s not hard to understand why these devices never seem to go out of fashion. They are simple, easy to use and reliable.

Businesses know too well how a pitfall of mobile networks, servers, internet connections and many more modern advances are all good and well, but very disappointing when systems fail or there are no network coverage areas. Walkie-Talkies provide instant, effective communication, and that remains vital for a significant number of industries.

Main reasons why walkie-talkies remain outright winners:

  • Reliable

The Walkie-Talkie is one of the most reliable communication tools around, even today amongst all of the modern technological advancements we have available to us. As opposed to smartphones, these two-way radio devices do not rely on service or networks to enable effectiveness.

Two-way radios supply a steady communicative path between parties, and by using the best long-haul range, the connection is always maintained.

For certain businesses and frontline workers, to have at their disposal a reliable source of communication at all times is an absolute must.

  • Fast and effective

Walkie-talkies are super easy to use. A simple push to talk feature allows fast and precise communication between peers at much quicker rates.

With Smartphones, you need first to find a number, then call that number and wait for the connection from the other party, whereas walkie-talkies allow connection with just one simple push of a button.

This kind of communication is of critical importance for some companies and businesses such as hospitals, event management, construction and building sites and within the police, fire or army sectors. Using the best quality devices, you can communicate one to one or in groups without any disturbances to your connections whatsoever.

  • Durable

It goes without saying that these devices are incredibly durable, especially when you compare them to Smartphone’s which are highly delicate and easily broken when dropped.

Walkie Talkies are very hard-wearing devices that are capable of withstanding harsh climate and weather conditions, hence why they are used on construction sites or on the frontline by army personnel.

  • Cost-Effective

An investment in such devices will ensure value for money. For a company, purchasing walkie-talkies is significantly more affordable than buying smartphones for all of its workers. There aren’t any call charges, and in the case of license free walkie-talkies, no monthly contracts are required either. Only a one-time purchase and you are good to go.

By looking at all these advantages, it isn’t hard to understand why they never went out of fashion and most likely will never be.


Walkie Talkie Codes and Lingo To Use For Clearer Communication

Speaking in a regular tone when using Walkie Talkies can be troublesome, words are often garbled and understanding the conversation or instructions given may be difficult. This is precisely the reason why Walkie Talkie communication is often done in specific code words as it helps to make the conversation easier to understand.

As well as knowing these specific code words it also helps to learn how to speak into a Walkie Talkie device so that even the simplest of words such as ‘yes’ or ‘no’ doesn’t get lost in translation.

Here are all the ins and outs when it comes to Walkie talkie codes and Lingo:

Most of these code words are standard and are often known and understood by many, so using these particular words helps to simplify matters:

  • Affirmative When a response is given using the word Affirmative it means ‘YES’ so that the word is clear and never misunderstood.
  • Negative This is the opposite of Affirmative, so when you use the word negative, you are actually saying ‘NO’ to the recipient.
  • Copy Copy is extremely well known as it’s often one of the most coded Walkie Talkie words used. ‘Copy that’ is used when a recipient is expressing that they’ve understood the instruction or conversation but doesn’t mean that they are in total agreement just that they got the message loud and clear. ‘Do you copy’ however is what is said to a recipient when asking if they have understood.
  • Standby/Standing by – both these words are similar, but their meaning is different. These two words mean two different things. For instance, if you say ‘Standby’ you are basically expressing that you’ve got the message but are not in a position to respond at the moment. ‘Standing by’ means that you are ready and waiting for further instruction.
  • Beaker 1-9 This is code for expressing that you want to start a transmission.
  • What’s your 20? – This is a simple ‘Where are you?’ message when asking the recipient ‘What’s your 20?’ you are asking for their current location.
  • Walkie Check users tend to use this code message before starting a conversation with the other person; its meaning is a simple one asking if their device is all good and working as normal.
  • Good check – You respond with ‘Good check’ meaning all is good when asked the question ‘Walkie Check’ and everything is fine with your device.

Once you’ve learned the codes you’re set for life, they rarely change in meaning, if ever at all. All of those words are used over a broad range of industries, from police and military to Airline workers and even on movie sets.

However, Police forces tend to use their very own ‘ten code words’ even more simplified than those mentioned above. These codes were invented by the police force themselves and date back to 1937 when they were first invented by Illinois State Police Force.

Here is the quick low down on those particular codes:

  • 10-1 Unclear transmission, cannot read properly.
  • 10-2 Clear transmission, connection is readable.
  • 10-4 Message is understood loud and clear.
  • 10-5 Meaning can you pass the message on to another colleague.
  • 10-6 Meaning busy at the moment, can you please standby.
  • 10-9 Message not clearly understood, please repeat.
  • 10-20 What is your location, where are you?

Letter and spelling

When trying to spell words out over Walkie Talkie transmission, it can be difficult, especially since some letters are not clear, for instance, M and N sound too similar. Many use the technique known worldwide as the NATO Phonetic Alphabet when spelling over telephone conversations and it’s highly recommended that the same procedure is used when spelling over radio transmissions too. So now may be the time to get to grips with your A for Alpha, D for delta and N for November and so on!

  • A – Alpha
  • B – Bravo
  • C – Charlie
  • D – Delta
  • E – Echo
  • F – Foxtrot
  • G – Golf
  • H – Hotel
  • I – India
  • J – Juliet
  • K – Kilo
  • L – Lima
  • M – Mike
  • N – November
  • O – Oscar
  • P – Papa
  • Q – Quebec
  • R – Romeo
  • S – Sierra
  • T – Tango
  • U – Uniform
  • V – Victor
  • W – Whiskey
  • X – Xray
  • Y – Yankee
  • Z – Zulu


All numbers are as normal when expressed over radio transmission, nothing to learn here apart from the number 9, which is often referred to as ‘niner’.

Those codes mentioned above are commonly known worldwide and are used over many different professions and roles. Knowing the basics is a good place to start and can help immensely if your job role requires the frequent use of radio control Walkie talkies.



Walkie Talkies Glossary

If you are considering purchasing Walkie Talkies, it may be helpful to know the full Glossary, take a look at the list below to know what features are available on some of the devices.

Battery pack and Chargers:

Battery pack – All Walkie Talkies come with a battery pack; the battery pack is rechargeable and generally makes up the rear of the body of the device and can be detached. The battery pack usually charges whilst connected to the actual device, but it can also be charged separately too. If an extra Battery pack is available, it allows one pack to constantly be on charge at all times so that you can quickly swap when necessary, and never have to wait around for a battery pack to charge.

Chargers – The battery pack fits into an electrical device when charging. That device (the charger) is then plugged into a wall socket, and it will usually charge a flat battery to full life in around 1-3 hours. The charger normally consists of a power transformer and a charging cradle, which is used for placing the radio into.

Multi-slot chargers are also available, and these are ideal for multiple charging at once; usually, around 6 walkie-talkies can be charged at the same time. These units are ideal for workplaces that use a number of different devices every single day, although multi-slot chargers have around 6 charging slots some chargers can allow for much more than that, and those devices are known as Bank chargers.

Features available:

PTT Button This is a standard feature on all types of Walkie Talkies; the PTT is short for ‘Push to Talk’ and you’ll find this button located on the side of most Walkie Talkie models. It’s an easy system, whereas users have to push the button and hold it down to transmit and communicate and release the button when they finish talking and wish to listen to the other side. If any accessories are connected to the Walkie Talkie, such as earpieces and microphones, they usually have a separate PTT button so that users can still maintain swift and easy communications.

PMR446 This code stands for basic, short-range radios, and is European standard. These devices can be purchased by anyone, and there are no licenses required. All standard PMR446 models have the same standard features, including eight channels and a max power output of 0.5 watts. In the UHF band, eight frequencies are used; it’s around 446MHZ, and no matter which brands, as long as they are the same models, they should be able to interact and communicate with each other.

Lone Worker – This feature is particularly handy for a person working on their own as it maintains safety aspects and protects workers. The system works by an alert signal requesting the worker to press a button to send out the ‘I’m Ok signal’ back to the control centre at certain pre-set time intervals. If an alert has no response periodically, an alarm message is submitted to the worker, and if they fail to respond to that alert, then help is usually sent. This is a great feature for protecting lone security workers, for instance.

Man Down – Also, another handy feature for lone workers is the man down alert. This feature works by a tilt-switch inside the device, whereas if a device is tilted on its side for a prolonged amount of time and not positioned upright again, even after numerous alarm attempts to remind the user to lift it, help is sent out immediately.

Roger Beep – This handy feature replaces the need to say “over” when users have finished transmitting. Instead, recipients get the beep indication to know that the other side has finished talking and are waiting for a response.