person researching walkie talkies problems online

Common Walkie-Talkie Problems and How to Fix Them

If you own a walkie-talkie, you will already appreciate just how robust and reliable they are. However, like all technologies, sometimes things don’t go to plan.

Where reliable, simple, and clear communication over shorter distances is required, walkie-talkies are the only choice. Used throughout all types of industry as a communication and safety tool, walkie talkies are also heavily used in leisure activities and even just for keeping tabs on the kids.

This versatility is one reason why they are built so ruggedly. Walkie-talkies have to operate in everything from sub-zero temperatures to tropical monsoons (not to mention rainy days in Ireland) and never miss a beat. It is no wonder then that just occasionally, problems arise.

If you are unlucky enough to find yourself with a misbehaving walkie-talkie, don’t worry, this guide explains the most common faults and how to fix them.

Walkie-Talkie Care

Before discussing the common problems, it is worth touching on the subject of caring for your walkie-talkie. The proper care and maintenance of your walkie-talkies will lengthen the lifespan of your radio and keep many of the common problems at bay.

Walkie-talkie care & maintenance isn’t complicated and doesn’t take long, but the benefit is a radio that remains as reliable as the day it was unboxed. To help you keep your walkie-talkies in fantastic condition, you can check out our complete guide to walkie-talkie maintenance.

The 4 Most Common Walkie-Talkie Problems

This section walks you through the most commonly encountered walkie-talkie problems and how to fix them. Most of these are simple, and to start with, we will look at the simplest of all:

1.    Walkie-talkie has a poor reception

If you are experienced with walkie-talkies, then you will likely already know all about this, but for beginners, this is one of the most commonly encountered issues and is easily remedied.

Much of the time, the problem of poor reception is simply down to the placement of the radio. This isn’t just where it is physically located either, although placing it inside a lead box will certainly degrade a signal!

Rather, it is the physical position of the radio that’s the problem. Antennas on walkie-talkies work at their optimum when the radio is held upright. Radios that are lying on flat surfaces can suffer signal degradation of 50% or more.

2.    Persistent Beeping Sound

This one can have several issues at the root of the problem and may take a little troubleshooting, but it isn’t a complicated process and can be completed quickly.

The beeping sound is a warning that something is amiss. Certain walkie-talkie models may play a particular sequence of beeps. If that is the case, then the troubleshooting section of the user documentation should pinpoint the cause of the error.

If this isn’t the case, the most common causes of persistent beeps are listed below: 

  • Battery – The first thing to check is the battery, try swapping it for a fully charged battery and check to see if that does the trick. If the beeping is consistent with a particular battery, then this is likely the end of that battery’s useful life.
  • Mic stuck in transmit mode – This can also cause persistent beeping. If you have a speaker mic, then try disconnecting and reconnecting it. If this doesn’t work, then the old “turn it off and back on again” trick often clears this issue.
  • Wrong Channel – This problem can occur as the result of a channel error. If the channel has switched, then the solution is as easy as switching it back to the appropriate channel.

3.    Poor Audio Quality

This is one problem where a little maintenance can help. A common cause of poor audio quality is simply a build-up of dirt and grime around the speaker vent and even the speaker itself.

This can be remedied just by carefully cleaning around the grill with a soft cloth, you can use ear swabs to get into tricky corners. In extreme cases, a quick blast of compressed air at a good distance so as not to damage the speaker can be tried. But to be on the safe side, a quick service by a trained technician is always a better option if it has got to that stage.

4.    Radio isn’t transmitting problem

Walkie-talkies are built to withstand a lot of abuse. However, the necessity of an external antenna is a point of vulnerability. Because it is the part of the walkie-talkie that is most prone to damage, this should be the first port of call when troubleshooting a transmission problem.

Transmission problems are more likely than not down to antenna damage, or it’s simply not being attached properly. The first thing is to make sure the antenna is seated as it should be. If it is, then the next thing is to carefully check the antenna for signs of damage. If any damage is found, then the antenna will need to be replaced.


Basic routine maintenance is the best way to keep your radio operating for years to come, but even then, batteries have finite lives, and antennas do break, so problems will always arise at some point.

We hope this guide has helped you identify and fix any problems you are having with your radio. If you need any further help, then our trained staff are always on hand to assist.

Group of Analogue and Digital walkie talkies.

Understanding the Difference Between Digital and Analogue Walkie-Talkies

One question that comes up a lot in our business is – What’s the difference between digital and analogue walkie-talkies?

A simplified definition is – Analogue walkie-use tried and tested older technology, but this can limit performance. Digital walkie-talkies use the latest technology and can deliver a longer range and a clearer signal.

From this simple definition it might seem that always opting for digital two-way radios is the better choice. But this isn’t necessarily the case.

Analogue radios are still incredibly popular because in a huge range of scenarios, the performance boost of going digital isn’t necessary and the cheaper cost of analogue radios makes them still the perfect tool for the job.

To help you choose between the two formats, we have compiled a guide on everything you need to know when choosing between digital and analogue walkie-talkies.

Analogue Walkie-Talkies

The technology behind analogue walkie-talkies has remained fundamentally the same since its introduction in 1933. Of course, the technology of the handsets has changed radically, and the efficiency of broadcasting and receiving has boosted analogue performance, but the underlying technology has changed little.

Let’s get a little technical- Analogue radios function by using sinusoidal waveforms that communicate voice patterns in a continuous wave. In other words, the voice patterns are converted into an analogue waveform that represents the waveform of our voices.

Advantages of Analogue Walkie-talkies

Analogue walkie-talkies may use older technology, but the reason that it is still with us is simply that it has withstood the test of time. For many people searching for the right walkie-talkie, the advantages of cost, simplicity, reliability and performance make them the perfect choice.

However, there are still some disadvantages to analogue radios when compared to their digital brethren:

Disadvantages of Analogue Walkie-talkies

  • When compared to digital radios, analogue walkie-talkies usually have reduced range and less clarity
  • Analogue walkie-talkies can only cope with one conversation on each channel. This reduces their usefulness in situations where one-to-many or many-to-many conversations are required
  • Digital apps don’t function on analogue radios

Digital Walkie-Talkies

Although both digital and analogue walkie-talkies perform almost identical functions, the way they achieve this is entirely dissimilar. A good analogy when comparing the two technologies is to liken it to the revolution that moved music from analogue recordings on vinyl to the digital Compact Disc format.

Fundamentally, this is an identical leap in technology to that behind digital two-way radios – Whereas vinyl recordings replicated an analogue waveform, digital media used binary digits (1s and 0s) to digitally record sound. This could then be converted back into its original form.

What this means for two-way radios is an increase in range and clarity that analogue signals can’t compete with. When atmospheric conditions, terrain, and range combine to weaken an analogue signal, the result is reduced clarity and signal interruptions.

Advantages of Digital Walkie-talkies

One of the biggest advantages is that this technology is less reliant on the absolute quality of the signal to produce crystal-clear audio. The “data” format of the transmitted audio allows for a far truer replication of the original signal. This also allows digital radios to work more effectively over longer ranges.

Another advantage of digital radios is they can also provide the user with additional features like GPS capabilities, text messaging, and multiple conversations on a single channel.

Disadvantages of Digital Walkie-talkies

  • More complex to use, resulting in a steeper learning curve
  • Digital two-way radios are more expensive than analogue models
  • Signal can suffer in the presence of too much Radio Frequency noise, which can cause the signal errors and lost transmissions


When choosing between digital and analogue walkie-talkies, the first thing to do is to be clear on what you expect from your radios. For most leisure uses, digital walkie-talkies are probably overkill, the range and functionality of analogue radios will likely suffice.

Even for many business uses, analogue radios are still a great choice. However, where crystal-clear signal, longer range, and extra features are essential, then digital is the way to go.

At Walkie-Talkie Solutions, our experts can help you make the perfect choice. If you have any queries about which walkie-talkie is right for you, then contact us for impartial and friendly advice.

people hiking

Why Walkie-Talkies Are The Ultimate Hiking Accessory

Whether you are a “fair weather” walker or a dedicated hiker who loves to face up to the worst of the elements, walkie-talkies should be the first item packed in any hiker’s pack.

Hikers are spoiled in Ireland, from gentle beach walks to challenging mountains, it is a country that offers boundless possibilities for hikers, and walkie-talkies can maximise the enjoyment of any hike. Two-way radios are a versatile tool that can promote safety, help groups stay in touch, and offer instant and crystal-clear communication over surprisingly long ranges.

This guide describes the benefits of walkie-talkies for hikers and offers some suggestions about how to choose the right walkie-talkie.

The Benefits of Walkie-talkies for Hikers

Hikers the world over are always aware of the importance of communication. Whether you love to ramble on your own, with a few friends, or in organised groups, being able to contact others helps the hike go smoothly and more importantly – They greatly enhance safety.

These days we live in a connected world thanks to the magic of the internet and devices like smartphones. In this uber-connected world, it might seem that walkie-talkies can be considered as yesterday’s technology. But nothing could be further from the truth, and this section describes a few of the benefits that walkie-talkies offer the hiker.

  • Communicate Anywhere

By their very nature, hikers love to head out into the wilds far from other people, population centres… and mobile signals. This is the first benefit of walkie-talkies. These devices are not reliant on mobile signals to operate, nor do they need call or data credit and expensive contracts.

For those heading out into the sticks, this is crucial. Keeping tabs on group members that have lagged or strayed off the path is made easy with simple to use walkie-talkies that don’t require third-party services to operate.

  • Walkie-talkies are Designed to Withstand the Elements

Even basic sets of walkie-talkies are more robust than all but the toughest smartphones. This is important for all hikers, and in Ireland, where let’s face it, it knows how to rain, this is even more crucial.

Many models are completely waterproof & dustproof, and with toughened cases and small but tough screens, walkie-talkies are built to withstand the rough, tumble, and moisture of a hike in the Irish wilderness.

  • Great Battery Life

Mobile phones are notorious for their heavy power usage. This is even more evident in areas of patchy or no mobile signal where battery usage is drained as the phone constantly seeks a signal.

Walkie-talkies have no such issues. Most good walkie-talkies will be able to operate throughout a full day’s hike without missing a beat.

  • Walkie-talkies Greatly Enhance the Safety of Hikers

Combine the first three benefits of this article, and what you have is a device that can work, anywhere, in any conditions, and for hours on end, in short – The perfect safety device!

Even innocuous strolls along forest paths on a perfect summer’s day can end badly. One misstep can lead to a hiker slipping and damaging or breaking limbs. Suddenly that easy stroll back to the car becomes a mountain to climb.

Or the other end of the spectrum, when a hiker becomes separated from the rest of the group amid an unexpected winter blizzard. In any case, emergencies that occur when hiking can and do happen, and the ability to communicate your distress to others can make a life or death difference.

  • Communication over Long Distances

Although the range of walkie-talkies is affected by external factors like terrain and obstacles, they still offer a range that can be measured in miles as opposed to yards. For instance, the Motorola T82 Extreme is a model that is designed to withstand all the rigours of an arduous winter hike and boasts a maximum range of over 6 miles (10km).

Although the advertised range is always the theoretical maximum that is only achievable in ideal conditions, the actual range is still pretty impressive.

  • Price

Most people are surprised when they find out just how cheaply they can furnish themselves with a set of walkie-talkies capable of taking on the Irish landscape and elements.

For instance, you can buy a set of 4 of the above mentioned Motorola T82 Extreme for less than the cost of a mid to low-spec smartphone.

What to look for when choosing a walkie-talkie for hiking

Now we know why walkie-talkies make the perfect hiking companion, we can have a look at some of the factors to consider when buying walkie-talkies for hiking.

  • Weather Proof – Look for models that have been rated as IPx4. This rating means they have been designed and manufactured to be waterproof.
  • Range – Remember that the stated range of a walkie-talkie is the theoretical maximum. Therefore, it is always best to opt for walkie-talkies that offer a far greater range than you will ever require. For instance, if you think that two miles is the maximum range you will ever require, then an option like the lightweight Kenwood TK-3501 with a stated maximum of 9km (5.5 miles) would work perfectly.
  • Licensed or Unlicensed – Licensed radios are more powerful, secure, and will often have more features than unlicensed radios. However, for the amateur user and for most hikers, unlicensed radios are the smarter option.
  • Battery Life – Ideally, opt for a walkie-talkie that has enough battery oomph to last for a full day’s hike. A good example is the waterproof XT185 from Motorola. This model is pocket-sized and lightweight yet still offers a battery life of up to 24hrs.
  • Ease of setup and use – Opt for models that require little setup, are easy to pair, and are simple to use.

Summing Up

Heading off into the great outdoors is something that millions of people in Ireland enjoy regularly. Walkie-talkies can help you get the most out of your outdoor treks and enhance the safety of yourself and others at the same time.

At Walkie Talkie Solutions, our friendly and knowledgeable staff can help fit you out with the perfect walkie-talkies to help you enjoy and keep safe in Ireland’s beautiful countryside.

Warehouse worker using a walkie talkie

Top 10 Situations Where Walkie-Talkies Are The Best Communications Solution

Even in an increasingly digitally connected world, there are still hundreds of situations where walkie-talkies remain the best choice when it comes to providing reliable, convenient, and crystal-clear communications.

The most difficult thing was to select only 10 for this list.

1.    Construction sites

The dangerous environment of a construction site is a perfect example of how the instant communication provided by a walkie-talkie makes it the perfect choice.

Walkie-talkies can broadcast on a one-to-one or one-to-many basis with a simple click of a button. This is essential in such a workplace where tasks need to be coordinated over distances and where the status of such tasks can evolve rapidly as circumstances change. These changes need to be relayed instantly to the crew or crew involved, walkie-talkies make light of this work.

As well as increasing productivity, this also greatly enhances construction site safety.

The Motorola XT-420 Construction 6-pack is the perfect way to introduce a two-way radio solution to a construction site.

2.    Farming and agriculture

Another dangerous workplace is in farms and agriculture in general. Often farmers work alone in remote fields, this leaves them exposed to dangers without any backup when something does go wrong.

Walkie-talkies offer an instant and long-range safety net that allows remote farmworkers to instantly broadcast when they require assistance. There are also plenty of two-way radios with built-in safety features such as lone worker and man down that automatically trigger alarms.

Finally, farms by their nature are rural, and mobile reception is often poor in such areas.

Designed to withstand the harshest environment, the Kenwood TK-3501 Kenwood 446 Portable – TK-3501 is a great choice for the agriculture sector.

3.    Camping and hiking

Following on from farming is camping and hiking, once again, and for similar reasons, walkie-talkies make the perfect communication solution for those trips into the wild.

Venturing out into the great outdoors is a fantastic activity but straying far from the beaten path does expose people to increased dangers. Often the remoteness of the spot will mean there is no phone signal, and where communication is required, then it has to be walkie talkies.

Robustness is also important. Many walkie-talkies are waterproof (this is camping in Ireland, remember!) and are also designed to cope with the roughness and tumble of a camping trip.

Simplicity and a robust and waterproof design make the Motorola XT185 Unlicensed Two-Way Radio Twin Pack a fantastic option for the great outdoors.

4.    Security

Managing a security operation can be a massive headache that walkie-talkies can help alleviate.

Security operations, whether it is guarding premises, event security, or retail, relies on teamwork, coordination and instant communication to work efficiently and safely. Security personnel need to be certain that they can send an alert instantly and can immediately communicate the nature of any emergency.

Security personnel are also benefited by being able to instantly and discretely summon reinforcements when required.

With built-in encryption, the Hytera PD505LF Walkie Talkie PMR446 is a perfect choice for the security sector.

5.    Retail

Large and medium-sized retail outlets frequently use walkie-talkies to provide a cost-effective communications solution that can enhance efficiency and provide a better customer experience.

These days retail outlets are under increasing pressures from factors like covid and online shopping. Anything that can give them an edge over the competition, increase efficiency and cut costs is a huge plus.

Walkie-talkies do just that, by opening up instant channels of communication, they increase staff productivity as well as enhancing both security and safety.

Lightweight and simple to use, the Kenwood TK-3601DE is perfect for retail outlets.

6.    For the kids

Parents have a difficult balancing act to perform when it comes to giving younger kids the freedom they need to begin exploring the world and keeping them safe as they do so.

Walkie-talkies are the perfect tool for allowing your kids away from the apron strings but always knowing that they are no more than a simple click away. They are also far more robust than a smartphone, and with younger (and older) kids, this has got to be a bonus.

Finally, because walkie-talkies don’t require credit or contracts to work, it is also a cost-effective solution.

Brightly coloured, simple to use and available at a great price make the Motorola Talkabout T42 Walkie-talkie fantastic for families.

7.    Warehouses

In the modern marketplace, warehouses are playing an increasingly large and complex role in the supply chain. Gone are the times when warehouses’ prime responsibility was to hold stock to supply to the retail industry.

Nowadays, they are just as likely to supply directly to the public. This has increased the logistics of the operations immensely. Walkie-talkies are an essential tool in large warehouses of all types in ensuring that the complex operations involved in the shipping and storage of large amounts of stock run smoothly.

With outstanding battery life and rugged construction, the Kenwood TK-3701DE is perfect for warehouse operations.

8.    Hospitality industry

Large hospitality operations such as hotels, event venues, casinos, and even restaurants are another situation where walkie-talkies are the perfect communication tool.

From coordinating housekeeping operations to maintenance and from security to customer care, there are dozens of scenarios where walkie-talkies provide the most cost-effective and efficient communication tool.

Even smaller sized venues and restaurants can benefit from a walkie-talkie solution to speed up processes like customer table allocation and front of house/kitchen communication.

The Motorola XT420 six-pack offers a discrete and cost-effective solution for adding a two-way radio operation to your hospitality business.

9.    Healthcare Sector

Even before Covid, walkie-talkies were seen as the perfect communication system in many areas of the healthcare sector. Since the onset of the pandemic, their importance has multiplied many-fold.

Walkie-talkies now provide an essential bridge of communication across the different levels of large facilities like hospitals and clinics. This has helped to play a part in minimising the physical contact usual in such interactions.

They also provide cost-effective enhanced connectivity to ensure faster responses to patient care, which for obvious reasons is critical when it comes to both patient care and staff security.

Excellent performance paired with lightweight design make the Hytera BD505LF a perfect match for the healthcare sector.

10.   Manufacturing

Often in the manufacturing sector, clear communication is the difference between production lines working seamlessly and suffering from costly stoppages. Walkie-talkies are the ideal solution – two-way radios provide the precise performance criteria of both instant and crystal-clear communication that are essential for the smooth running of manufacturing plants.

As with many other situations, walkie-talkies don’t just streamline the performance of production lines. They also bring a crucial extra element of safety to the factory floor. Features like man-down and remote worker can be incorporated into a two-way radio solution, but there are also more advanced features like automatic text messaging that send alerts to selected staff members in emergencies.

The Kenwood PKT-23 is a lightweight and robust solution that is perfect for the factory floor.


These are just a few of the situations where walkie-talkies are the perfect communication solution. At Walkie Talkie Solutions, we can provide expert advice on the best way to integrate the perfect two-way radio solution for your business or personal needs.

Why not contact us today for further details of how walkie-talkies can improve your communications.

Security team holding walkie talkies

Walkie Talkie Solutions for Security Teams

How Radios enhance communications in your Commercial Complex

Recent events made it so that in every line of business, it has become imperative to ensure safety across the board for workers and clients alike. In workplaces with different sectors and vast numbers of staff, having a reliable and effective means of communication is a great tool to manage all the intervenients safely.

Handheld two-way radios are excellent options to guarantee optimal communication among professionals such as industrial staff on a production plant, sales assistants in large retail floors and, crucially, security personnel in shopping centres and other commercial complexes.

And focusing on the latter, this post will present you with some of the ways two-way radios are currently changing security teams’ communication for the better.

1.    Enabling Effective Communication

Ensuring visitors safety from the moment they enter the complex is a top priority for security staff. And to achieve it they count with the reliable and seamless connection provided by walkie talkies.

Walkie Talkies run on radio frequencies that eliminate disturbances that could appear in the transmission so that the communication is clear and uninterrupted.

Moreover, the use of two-way radio devices also enables instant connections for transmitting voice messages at the push of a button, which is essential when dealing with emergencies.

2.    Dependable and Durable design

Security teams’ everyday action can become harsh, leaving their equipment very prone to accidents. Therefore, any device that security personnel end up using has to be rough and ready to keep up with the demands of the job.

Modern business walkie-talkies are designed to be durable and resistant to shock and elements while remaining lightweight and very portable as well as easy to use. A walkie-talkie that has all these features is an excellent long-term investment you can rely on, saving you from spending resources having to replace your radio devices continuously.

3.    Extensive Battery Life

Shopping centres are open for long hours, plus, security professionals are there before opening and stay beyond closure and need to be available at all times. To ensure that, their walkie-talkies’ battery must endure the operating hours.

When ordering the fleet of devices for the security staff, opt for high-quality walkie-talkies with a long-lasting battery life that can handle the long hours demanded.

4.    Instant Communications

More often than not, security teams have to communicate occurrences to management or other co-workers instantly, and devices such as smartphones or other communications channels just aren’t as immediate as walkie-talkies.

Two-way radios don’t require dialling or complex processes to communicate with others instead enabling instant messaging at the push of a button.

These devices provide clear and reliable instant communications, a fact that should not be overlooked when the task at hand is to ensure people’s safety and health.

Another great benefit of equipping your security team with walkie-talkies is how cost-efficient that solution is, being affordable, not requiring tariffs or service plans to communicate and lasting for long years voiding the need to update devices as can happen with other technology devices.

Interested? Why not check our wide range of Business Walkie Talkies that can suit your security personnel and offer them streamline instant communication? At Walkie Talkie Solutions, we are reputable Motorola device providers with years of experience supplying business solutions. Get in touch today for a quote or any added information.

Factory engineer standing near production line with walkie talkie

Two-Way Radios Are the Answer to Your Business’ Communication Requirements

Communication is crucial in any company, regardless of the industry, but it can post many challenges when trying to get things done effectively. Vital information has to spread across multiple members in the organisation, and in case it gets lost, it can compromise the daily activity of the company. E-mails, fax machines, “work phones”, intranet notifications, there are many options available in terms of communications. Still, it can also be overwhelming to keep up with all of them, and that leads to breakdowns in the communication flow.

Many businesses have recently slimmed down these routes and moved to a simpler yet more beneficial option to instant messaging communication: Walkie-Talkies. And here’s why:

Communicating with individuals and teams

Two-Way Radios provide a consistent and dependable reception throughout your business’ facilities. Unlike smartphones, which are known to run out of signal in places like elevators or lower floor plants, two/way radios are ready to transmit and receive wherever they are. This means that a given team member won’t be dropping or postponing calls that could convey important information anymore.

While smartphones require costly software additions to enable multi-party communication, two-way radios include this capability built-in as standard. Not only will your company be saving on software extras but also in the radio devices that come at a lower cost than the average smartphone fleet, making walkie-talkies the best and most cost-effective communication solutions.

Durable and Reliable Devices

Accidents happen in every industry, and it doesn’t need to be in hazardous environments either; for example, someone can easily spill a glass of water over their brand-new work smartphone. If only you could have a more durable solution…

Two-way radios, with available waterproof features, are much more resistant to elements or impacts than the current smartphone norm and will undoubtedly last longer too.

Replacing cracked screens due to drops, buying replacement phones, or any other reoccurring money spending will be a thing of the past making radio devices a much savvier investment.

As we said earlier, these accidents can happen in any industry, but two-way business radios will definitely make the most sense in heavy-duty industries such as construction work, and other more weather-exposed occupations.

Rolling back the years, can you remember a more enduring device than that old Motorola “brick” phone that you only had to charge every couple of days? Luckily, Motorola also makes two-way radios, and they carry all that durability and battery life you miss so much in today’s devices. This will make managers rest assured their staff will be supplied with reliable devices to keep on communicating whatever the situation.


Providing your staff with individual top-grade walkie talkies for their daily tasks will improve your business communication and at the same time, be a more affordable solution when compared to makeshift smartphone solutions. Supplying the whole work personnel with smartphones and the added functionality costs will require a significant investment upfront and will keep on regularly draining your finances with phone plans.

Walkie-Talkies are cheaper alternatives to smartphones from the threshold. They will save even more by not requiring service providers or extra software features to allow for more than two user communications. Due to being more durable, they are a safer investment that won’t require nearly as many repairs as smartphones. Overall, two-way business radios are vastly more cost-effective than to implement conventional communication devices in your business.

Undistracting Devices

Business walkie talkies are clear-cut and straightforward to use and give managers and owners the guarantee that their staff aren’t side-tracked during work hours by Social Media feeds or other distractions a smartphone can entail. Two-way radios are free of apps or entertainment and are designed solely focused on the task of providing a communication channel, and this trickles down to their users.

This lack of distractions can be significant in terms of staff productivity which is what you want from a paid worker but most importantly, in maintaining safety. Smartphones are vulnerable to viruses and spyware that can be downloaded onto them, giving electronic thieves access to your company’s information and network. Two-way radios, on the other hand, are closed-circuit limited by their wave channel, providing safer communications between workers.

User Friendly

Another challenge with sourcing smartphones for your working staff is their knowledge of Android or iPhone platforms. Spending time to show all your workers how to use their new operative system can be quite cumbersome so ideally, you should be looking for communication solutions that can hit the ground running.

Walkie Talkies form factor and usability is one the most intuitive processes you can find and most people who are handed one for the first time already know how to use its basic functions making it easy and quick for the team to learn the full functionality of the new devices.

Furthermore, two-way radios are dependable and offer their users the possibility to carry and use them throughout their day without a single worry related to battery life, impact damages or to run out of service range. Using a walkie-talkie is as easy as picking it up and using it intuitively.

Walkie Talkies are the Best Overall Communication Device

We have presented some key reasons why Two-way radios can improve and streamline your business’ communication solutions. Whatever industry your company excels in, the benefits two-way radios can provide are undeniable and can even reveal vital in some cases. Delegating functions, alerting co-workers and coordinating actions are just some of the examples that walkie talkies can perform seamlessly and confidently, leaving the managers and business owners assured that the organisation is running as organised and safely as it can.

Having the right communication practices can be the difference between a profitable business and a poorly organised workload. Improving your company’s communication is crucial and moving to walkie-talkies as the primary communication devices can be the game-changer.

Experts in Motorola Walkie-Talkie Radios, we have been proving businesses looking to upgrade their communication with top of the line devices and systems in various industries.

Make the right move and get in touch with our specialist team and implement two-way radios to enhance your intra-organisation communication. 

Walkie talkie accessories

The Importance of Having the Right Accessories for your Two-Way Radio Device

In order to achieve efficient communications, Two-Way Radio accessories can be almost as important as the device itself.

They are designed to facilitate the use of the two-way radios by making them more portable, more movable, more accessible and easier to operate.

Using a two-way radio device without the right accessories can be almost impossible in some occasions, like when the two-way radio is not at hands reach, requiring push-to-talk when you don’t have your hands free, among numerous other situations.

But how and where can these accessories help?

Well, here you can find some tips and ideas on how walkie talkie accessories can improve your two-way radio use:

Carrying solutions

Carry accessories can prove to be very handy in hectic and hazardous working environments! Belt clips can make your walkie talkies easy to haul, pick up and put down, while other accessories can help you keep them intact during use and transport, like a carrying case for one or several devices.

Improving Audio Quality

In noisy and hard to communicate areas, any audio improvement is welcomed. Environments such as factories or crowded locations require something better than regular audio quality to assure clear communication.

  • Noise-cancelling mics or headsets – they aid you to hear and be heard better in loud environments. Some two-way radios do include these features as standard, but if yours doesn’t, you can get it upgraded without having to swap devices.
  • Earpieces – designed to keep calls private, not leaking sound through the radio.
  • Remote Speaker Microphones lightweight built and made to be worn in a reachable spot like your shoulder to give you greater freedom of movement.
  • Covert equipment for example, finger-worn push-to-talk buttons and hidden earpieces that allow you to keep your communications as discreet as possible.

Power options

Everybody knows that even if you have the most technologically advanced device, if the battery discharges quickly, you won’t be able to use it for too long, especially during long work shifts. What isn’t so clear is the range of solutions that can take care of this problem.

Choosing a higher capacity battery doesn’t always prove to be the best option in those cases when mobility is essential as they are bulkier, heavier and therefore, less portable.

The best way to avoid this issue is to opt for a battery efficient radio when you’re buying a device. Assure the battery life is enough for your regular use and that it has an included on-the-go charging solution.

Wireless solutions

Bluetooth® accessories that can be connected wirelessly can help in situations where holding a portable radio to communicate isn’t practical. If you’re on the market for a two-way radio and your work requires hands-free use, go for one that has Bluetooth® connectivity. This feature will allow for the use of a range of Bluetooth® accessories that can be wirelessly paired to your device. This way, you can communicate with your team maintaining your hands free and your eyes on the job at hand.

Intrinsically Safe (IS) Accessories

If you work in dangerous environments, you most certainly know about the importance of Intrinsically Safe certified devices. What you probably don’t know is that if you pair your IS radio with non-IS approved accessories, your system rating is void. Only IS approved accessories should be used with matching IS approved radios, with the system rating being determined by the lowest rate in the devices.

Go for matching IS ratings for any accessories your work requires and make sure your IS radio system has the appropriate level of protection.

If you are not sure about all these ratings and terms, we have the solution for you.

Give us a call and ask our professional sales team for information on the solutions we can provide for your specific situation. At Walkie Talkie Solutions, we are experts in two-way radio devices and will guarantee you with quality products suitable for your requirements.

We have the highest standards and experience in two-way radio systems and can optimise your communication whatever your business and industry might be, providing an excellent range of Motorola Walkie Talkies and accessories like batteries, carrying cases or hands-free solutions. For stricter industries, we also supply Intrinsically Safe (IS) approved devices and accessories with limited electrical and thermal output for safe use in hazardous or flammable environments.


Walkie-Talkie Radio Etiquette: Top 10 Tips

Two-way radios have undoubtedly proven their worth and durability, particularly in a world where we are recurrently seeing many other means of communication being replaced by more technological advanced devices. Even though smartphones are in everyone’s pocket these days, two-way radios are still being heavily depended on, especially in workplaces. 

And while their value has been proven, it requires some basic know-how to operate them efficiently. It may seem obvious, but a fact sometimes forgotten is that walkie talkies don’t allow users to simultaneously hear and talk back, thus the necessity of a certain radio etiquette to communicate clearly. 

To help you keep efficient and effective communication using two-way radios, we provide you with 10 key tips in radio etiquette: 

  1. Get to grips with the terms 

In radio messaging, there are specific terms for greeting, answering and terminating a conversation. This is because regular words are sometimes ambiguous or unclear in short radio communications. Walkie talkie lingo has been proven over the years and has become universally recognised. You may have even heard it in movies or TV. 

Some of the most common are: 

  • Affirmative meaning Yes. 
  • Negative meaning No. 
  • Roger/Roger That meaning the message was understood. 
  • Copy/Read meaning Have you understood/received the message, as in “Do you copy me?”.
  • Over (used at the end of a sentence) meaning The talker has finished their transmission. 
  • Stand By meaning Wait. 
  • Wilco meaning I will comply/follow the instructions. 
  • Out meaning The communication is concluded. 
  1. Learn the NATO Phonetic Alphabet

You might know this one already from movies, too. T and D, for instance, may be different letters but their sound, and even more through radio, can be misunderstood and unclear. That is why with the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, we spell out words by their NATO phonetic, that is a corresponding word started by the letter in question. 

For example, if you need to message the letters “AD” through radio, you should say “alpha delta”.    

  1. Pause before speaking 

This is a habit you should make sure to adopt. Pausing for a second between pressing the button to transmit and actually speaking assures that the first words won’t get cut off, allowing for a full and clear message. 

  1. Introduce yourself 

Not all walkie talkies have caller ID, so it is good practice to identify yourself and, if you know who you’re reaching, the person you wish to address too. Sometimes, work staff have their designated call signs, and if so, you should also make use of it when addressing other users.

  1. Keep it Short

Two-way radios have not been designed for long conversations. They are meant to be used for quick and swift talks, like give indications to solve particular problems and to provide immediate responses. 

As such, your messages should be short and straight to the point, avoiding long transmissions.  

In case you do need to get a bigger message across, use the word “break” at the end of one or two sentences and release the button. This way, the other party can intervene if needed as well.  

  1. Avoid Interruptions 

When communicating, avoid interrupting others as much as possible. Wait for them to end the message or conversation, if it is between other intervenients, and then transmit. 

In case of emergency, and you have to interrupt, begin the message saying, “Break Break Break” and then state your message. 

  1. Don’t raise your tone 

Talking through a walkie talkie should be just like a normal conversation in terms of speed and tone. Speaking too quick or slow will make the call imperceptible or too long and if you yell the transmission will just be a blown sound on the other party.  

None of these will help you convey your message any better, or clearer so keep the radio’s microphone about three to five inches away from your mouth and speak normally. 

  1. English is sovereign 

English is the official language for two-way radio communication internationally. Apart from specific guidelines from your organisation, you should stick to the English language. 

  1. Assume others are listening 

Walkie talkies are open to everyone that can catch your radio frequency, whether for eavesdrop or just because the working group is all connected. If you can’t restrict the conversation to the users you want to communicate with, or use encryption, you should avoid transmitting confidential or sensitive information. 

  1. Check and maintain your equipment 

Regular check, care and maintenance are imperative with walkie talkie devices. All of their functionality will be voided if they run out of battery or get clogged mics from improper maintenance.  

Before important operations, also check the range beforehand to ensure your work staff won’t be left stranded. 

Though they may seem to require much experience and practice, following these etiquette tips to a T (or Tango) will make the most of your use of walkie-talkies and improve your professional performance in the process.


Why Are Walkie-Talkies Never Out of Fashion?

We are in the midst of an era focused on information and technology, it’s what much of the 21st century has been about.

Being informed and updated these days is essential to keep up with the competitive world we are living in.

Transferring and receiving effective communications has always been a prime focus for the technology world. We continually see new advancements in this area, and most of the time, once something new and more effective hits the market, predecessors gradually fade beyond existence.

Still, there is one communication tool that stood the test of time and never lost its importance, and that is the Walkie-Talkie.

It’s not hard to understand why these devices never seem to go out of fashion. They are simple, easy to use and reliable.

Businesses know too well how a pitfall of mobile networks, servers, internet connections and many more modern advances are all good and well, but very disappointing when systems fail or there are no network coverage areas. Walkie-Talkies provide instant, effective communication, and that remains vital for a significant number of industries.

Main reasons why walkie-talkies remain outright winners:

  • Reliable

The Walkie-Talkie is one of the most reliable communication tools around, even today amongst all of the modern technological advancements we have available to us. As opposed to smartphones, these two-way radio devices do not rely on service or networks to enable effectiveness.

Two-way radios supply a steady communicative path between parties, and by using the best long-haul range, the connection is always maintained.

For certain businesses and frontline workers, to have at their disposal a reliable source of communication at all times is an absolute must.

  • Fast and effective

Walkie-talkies are super easy to use. A simple push to talk feature allows fast and precise communication between peers at much quicker rates.

With Smartphones, you need first to find a number, then call that number and wait for the connection from the other party, whereas walkie-talkies allow connection with just one simple push of a button.

This kind of communication is of critical importance for some companies and businesses such as hospitals, event management, construction and building sites and within the police, fire or army sectors. Using the best quality devices, you can communicate one to one or in groups without any disturbances to your connections whatsoever.

  • Durable

It goes without saying that these devices are incredibly durable, especially when you compare them to Smartphone’s which are highly delicate and easily broken when dropped.

Walkie Talkies are very hard-wearing devices that are capable of withstanding harsh climate and weather conditions, hence why they are used on construction sites or on the frontline by army personnel.

  • Cost-Effective

An investment in such devices will ensure value for money. For a company, purchasing walkie-talkies is significantly more affordable than buying smartphones for all of its workers. There aren’t any call charges, and in the case of license free walkie-talkies, no monthly contracts are required either. Only a one-time purchase and you are good to go.

By looking at all these advantages, it isn’t hard to understand why they never went out of fashion and most likely will never be.