One question that comes up a lot in our business is – What’s the difference between digital and analogue walkie-talkies?
A simplified definition is – Analogue walkie-use tried and tested older technology, but this can limit performance. Digital walkie-talkies use the latest technology and can deliver a longer range and a clearer signal.
From this simple definition it might seem that always opting for digital two-way radios is the better choice. But this isn’t necessarily the case.
Analogue radios are still incredibly popular because in a huge range of scenarios, the performance boost of going digital isn’t necessary and the cheaper cost of analogue radios makes them still the perfect tool for the job.
To help you choose between the two formats, we have compiled a guide on everything you need to know when choosing between digital and analogue walkie-talkies.
Analogue Walkie-Talkies
The technology behind analogue walkie-talkies has remained fundamentally the same since its introduction in 1933. Of course, the technology of the handsets has changed radically, and the efficiency of broadcasting and receiving has boosted analogue performance, but the underlying technology has changed little.
Let’s get a little technical- Analogue radios function by using sinusoidal waveforms that communicate voice patterns in a continuous wave. In other words, the voice patterns are converted into an analogue waveform that represents the waveform of our voices.
Advantages of Analogue Walkie-talkies
Analogue walkie-talkies may use older technology, but the reason that it is still with us is simply that it has withstood the test of time. For many people searching for the right walkie-talkie, the advantages of cost, simplicity, reliability and performance make them the perfect choice.
However, there are still some disadvantages to analogue radios when compared to their digital brethren:
Disadvantages of Analogue Walkie-talkies
- When compared to digital radios, analogue walkie-talkies usually have reduced range and less clarity
- Analogue walkie-talkies can only cope with one conversation on each channel. This reduces their usefulness in situations where one-to-many or many-to-many conversations are required
- Digital apps don’t function on analogue radios
Digital Walkie-Talkies
Although both digital and analogue walkie-talkies perform almost identical functions, the way they achieve this is entirely dissimilar. A good analogy when comparing the two technologies is to liken it to the revolution that moved music from analogue recordings on vinyl to the digital Compact Disc format.
Fundamentally, this is an identical leap in technology to that behind digital two-way radios – Whereas vinyl recordings replicated an analogue waveform, digital media used binary digits (1s and 0s) to digitally record sound. This could then be converted back into its original form.
What this means for two-way radios is an increase in range and clarity that analogue signals can’t compete with. When atmospheric conditions, terrain, and range combine to weaken an analogue signal, the result is reduced clarity and signal interruptions.
Advantages of Digital Walkie-talkies
One of the biggest advantages is that this technology is less reliant on the absolute quality of the signal to produce crystal-clear audio. The “data” format of the transmitted audio allows for a far truer replication of the original signal. This also allows digital radios to work more effectively over longer ranges.
Another advantage of digital radios is they can also provide the user with additional features like GPS capabilities, text messaging, and multiple conversations on a single channel.
Disadvantages of Digital Walkie-talkies
- More complex to use, resulting in a steeper learning curve
- Digital two-way radios are more expensive than analogue models
- Signal can suffer in the presence of too much Radio Frequency noise, which can cause the signal errors and lost transmissions
When choosing between digital and analogue walkie-talkies, the first thing to do is to be clear on what you expect from your radios. For most leisure uses, digital walkie-talkies are probably overkill, the range and functionality of analogue radios will likely suffice.
Even for many business uses, analogue radios are still a great choice. However, where crystal-clear signal, longer range, and extra features are essential, then digital is the way to go.
At Walkie-Talkie Solutions, our experts can help you make the perfect choice. If you have any queries about which walkie-talkie is right for you, then contact us for impartial and friendly advice.